Why a Spray Tan is Perfect for a Vacay or Staycay!

Whether you’re heading off to a far-flung destination or staying in a caravan for a week this summer, a spray tan is always a good choice.

We love a good spray tan, no matter where you’re heading on your holidays, and this is why:

Spray Tans in Marlow

Put simply, spray tans look great. Spray tans can hide all kinds of imperfections, including prominent veins, cellulite, broken veins, and more. Spray tans give a healthy, outdoorsy kind of vibe – so if you want to look as though you’ve just got back from the beach, it’s a good choice.

It Can Help You Look More Toned

Muscle definition stands out better with a spray tan. If you’ve been working hard and you want to show off your progress, a spray tan is a great way to do it. That’s why bodybuilders always look so tanned!

Spray Tans Make Your Features Stand Out

Your teeth will look whiter, and your jawline may look more defined. Plus, a darker skin shade helps to hide a bunch of imperfections on your face, including blemishes and scarring.

You’ll Feel More Confident on the Beach

Stripping down to your swimwear can require some courage, especially if it’s been a while. We like a spray tan as it gives a quick confidence boost – it will give you one less thing to think about while you enjoy some hard-earned relaxation time!

It’s Safer Than Sunbathing

This is a big one. While we like to spend time in the sun, we also know it’s not safe to be out there without protection. In search of a tan, people may sometimes take risks with their health. It’s not worth skin damage to get a golden tan when you can easily have a spray tan instead!

They’re Affordable

Spray tans are surprisingly affordable, especially when you factor in the amount of time you’ll save doing it yourself. Which leads us on to…

They’re Easier Than Self-Tanning

Most people we know have had a self-tan disaster at least once in their lifetime. Even seasoned pros can come away from a self-tanning session with slightly orange hands, knees, or ankles. That’s why a spray tan is so great. You’ll have a smooth, consistent result, with none of the work involved. You just have to stand still while you have it done. Easy!

The Aftercare Is Pretty Easy

We’d recommend getting a spray tan as late as possible before your holiday so you can make the most out of it – the day before is ideal.

Afterwards? You should avoid excessive amounts of time in a swimming pool, hot tub, or sauna. Of course, if that’s why you’re going on holiday, you can carry on, but know that the results may not last as long. You should try to avoid chlorinated water if possible. This doesn’t mean you can’t go swimming – it just means that you should swim in short bursts, rather than lounging in a pool for the whole day.


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