How Long Should Hair Be for Waxing?

If you’re after smooth, hairless skin, waxing is a great option. If you’ve never had a wax before, you might be feeling a bit nervous, and you might have some questions about the process. The experienced team at Sunrise in Marlow will make you feel welcome and relaxed for any of your waxing treatments.

Waxing in Marlow

A common question that pops up in this situation is this: how long does hair need to be before it can be waxed?

What Length Does Hair Have to Be for Waxing?

Hair does have to be a certain length before it can be waxed. Your hair needs to be long enough so the wax can grab hold of it firmly, but not too long that it would give you a bit more discomfort than is necessary.

You should allow your hair to grow to at least ¼ of an inch long. This is about the length of an eyelash for comparison. This is the optimum length for hair removal and will make your waxing session much easier.

If you’re worried, you can always call beforehand to have a chat about the process. Waxing is a very efficient method of hair removal – there’s a good reason why it’s so popular!

What Will It Feel Like Afterwards?

You may feel a little discomfort afterwards. This should pass within 48 hours. Wearing loose-fitting clothing can help, and you can take some over-the-counter pain killers too. You can also take some ibuprofen an hour before your appointment if you’re worried about the pain.

It’s also important not to book your appointment on your period – your skin will be more sensitive at this time, so it’s better to wait until your period is over.

What is the Maintenance Like?

There are a few things you can do afterwards to enjoy maximum smoothness:

  • When 24 hours have passed, gently exfoliate your skin. This will stop ingrown hairs in their tracks and help remove dead skin – making your skin nice and soft.
  • Don’t shave between waxes. We know how hard this is, especially if you’re used to shaving every couple of days. If you want to stick to waxing, hide your razor away! You need to allow the hairs to grow back to their optimum length before your next wax.
  • Avoid using deodorant 24 hours after an underarm wax to avoid clogging the pores under your arms.

How Often Should I Come Back for Waxing Appointments?

This can vary, depending on how fast your hair grows back. Some people find they can come back every four weeks, while others can wait up to eight weeks. The more you wax, the slower your hair regrowth will be. If you keep it up, you will notice this start to kick in after a few appointments.

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